Select a Check-Out Time Note: Afternoon check out appointment should be made at the time of booking the reservation. If you do not have an afternoon appointment booked please call to reserve a slot prior to submitting this form.
Note: All medications and supplements should be provided in the original prescription containers and labeled with the pet's name and appropriate dosages. There is an additional fee per day to administer medications based on the frequency given.
Note: During a boarding stay eating habits may change due to stress. You can authorize the addition of PetSound's available additives to entice them to eat if they have stopped eating with no need to contact me unless other issues arise.
Walk & Exercise: Our guests are given 3 walks/exercise periods per day outside (dogs.)
Bathing Requests: We have the ability to complete exit bath/nail trims prior to pick up. Or we can schedule a full grooming appointment to be completed while they are boarding with us.
Grooming: If you would like a full grooming appointment to be completed while they board with us a GROOMING CONSENT FORM must be completed as well. These appointments must be booked in advance, we cannot guarantee that the groomer will be available for the times requested. Grooming appointments are typically booked up a month in advance.
Are you, anyone else in your family, or anyone who may pick up your pet allergic to fragrances?
I understand if my pet has any accidents to where staff deems a full bath is needed prior to check out, one will be completed. Additional costs will occur.
You acknowledge that no matter the cleanliness of the facility viruses and bacteria will congregate with large groups of dogs. One of the advantages of boarding your pet (s) at our facility is that veterinary care is readily available should the need arise/As pet owner indicate your choice below.
Should your pet become ill, the staff at PetSound will make an effort to reach you or your authorized agent prior to initiating treatment. However, the attending veterinarian may initiate necessary care as deemed appropriate until such time as your authorized agents are contacted.
I understand the PetSound will make every attempt to contact me as soon as possible in the event of a medical emergency. If PetSound cannot contact me, I give permission to PetSound to make medical treatment decisions and approve charges up to per pet (most common values are $200, $500, $100 or unlimited.) I give permission for PetSound to administer any care or medications necessary.
I acknowledge that if I leave any belongings, PetSound cannot guarantee that I will receive them back in the same condition in which they arrived.
You have read all and understand the authorization and consent.
Please note this form is for online fill out only, if you need to print the form please go to the Resources & Forms tab.