Business hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30a-12p and 2p-6p
Sat & Sun CLOSED
Holiday hours announced on Calendar tab
Overnight Boarding drop off and pick up hours information: Click Here
Phone : (919) 390-0390
Our Client Policies
Late Pick Up
& Early Drop off
We offer early drop off and afternoon pick up, for boarding, by appointment only, so give us a call to schedule.
The service fee is
$1 per minute, per pet,
outside of standard business or appointment hours.
After 6:30pm, with no contact received, your pet(s) will be boarded for the night and you will be unable to pick up until the next business day.
No Call/No Show Policy
After several no shows our policy is:
Daycare: Prior to any future daycare days to be scheduled, prepayment for the group play is required at the time of booking.
Boarding: Prior to any future boarding, prepayment for the kennel will be required.
Holiday Boarding: Any no call/no shows for boarding over holidays will result in the facility keeping the entirety of the prepayment for the kennel(s).
These booking fees are non-refundable and will be kept if another no show occurs. If the appointments are kept the money paid will be put towards your charge for that daycare, boarding, or grooming appointment.
Vet Requirements
Canine: Rabies
Canine Distemper
Bordetella (every 6 months)
Feline: Rabies
Feline Distemper
All elderly pets or those with preexisting medical conditions are required to have an up to date veterinary exam completed by a PetSound Animal Hospital veterinarian to ensure that everyone is aware of your pet's specific needs.
*An exam must be completed by a Petsound Animal Hospital veterinarian prior to have any vaccines coordiated for your pet.
Holiday Booking
We require prepayment for all boarding reservations that extend over major holidays. At the time of the reservation, full price for the kennel size is required. As we have limited kennel space and tend to book up fast over the holidays, this helps us to ensure we will have a set number of boarders for our staff to take care of.
Holiday Boarding: Any no call/no shows for boarding over holidays will result in the facility keeping the entirety of the prepayment for the kennel(s).
Holiday Boarding Cancellation
If a holiday boarding stay is cancelled 2 weeks prior to drop off, we are able to refund the prepayment directly to your card only keeping our $50 fee, per pet, for holidays cancellations. Later amendments or cancellations to a holiday reservation will result in a $50 fee, per pet, kept by PetSound and the rest remains as a credit to the account to use for future veterinary, grooming or boarding use. See no call/no show policy for how that effects your holiday cancellation.
Cancels day of on ANY boarding reservation also results in a $50 fee.
This policy is in place as we are a small business and losing even a 3 night boarding stay is a significant loss to the company.
Grooming appointment policies
Grooming appointments are only booked on select days and availability may vary so ensure that you are pre-booking all grooming appointments.
Clients are required to fill out a new Grooming Consent Form for every grooming, or bath, appointment.
All grooming clients are required to be on a scheduled grooming rotation. Grooming appointment rotations vary between 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks. Please consider the coat maintenance and overall care for your pet prior to selecting a grooming rotation. Staff can assist with recommendations for your pet's specific needs.​
Vaccine Requirements for Grooming Appointments:
Canine: Rabies
Canine Distemper
Feline: Rabies
Feline Distemper
Muliple cancelled grooms will result in prepayment for the full groom price at the time of booking an appointment.
Overnight Boarding Policy
Overnight Boarding drop off and pick up window is 7:30a-12p and afternoon by appointment only. Afternoon appointments are scheduled for a 40 minute window, late fees will apply outside of pick up windows.
The service fee is
$1 per minute, per pet,
outside of standard business hours or appointment times.
If any changes are needed for scheduled appointments, it is the owner's responsibility to contact as soon as possible as availability is not guaranteed.

COVID-19 Protocols
We are open to take your calls and business at our normal business hours with overnight boarding, daycare group play and grooming services available. Please call in advance to book all appointments to ensure space is available.
-Our lobby is now open. Curbside services are still available upon request.
-Curbside services are required for leash reactive and dog aggressive dogs. Please call 919-390-0390 when you arrive for curbside service. We still have retail items available as well, such as candles and treats, just notify staff when you would like to purchase an item.
-We ask all clientele to wear masks for staff interactions if feeling ill. We will be equipped in Personal Protective Equipment so we ask you to do the same.
-All clientele MUST alert staff prior to appointments if you become ill, get tested for COVID, or are positive for COVID-19. Not doing so until time of drop off does not show respect towards our personnel's personal health and well being and grounds for appointment forfeited.
- If you are experiencing symptoms according to the CDC guidelines you should begin isolation. This should continue for 5 days after you receive a positive test result. You can end isolation after day 5 if you are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and your other symptoms are gone or improving.
-Make sure all items (collar/leash/harness) are removed from your dog, we will be using our slip leads, and cats are required to be in carriers.
-Be mindful we will do our best to be as fast and efficient as possible but be aware if there are other clientele waiting.
-For afternoon pick ups for daycare we are requesting everyone be here prior to 5:30p to accommodate our closing cleaning routine to help maintain all staff health.
-Payments can still be made over the phone 919-390-0390, if you know you'd like to purchase anything just give us a call while your pup is playing and we will complete the transactions. This way we are not holding up everyone at drop-off or pick-up.
-All forms are located in the Resources & Forms tab and should be completed prior to any drop off.
-Boarding animals should not have any items other than food and/or medications. Food should be in an easily sanitized container and medications should be in their original prescription containers.
These are our forms that are needed for our various services. If you are a new client, we require the BOARDING REGISTRATION FORM, AUTHORIZED RELEASE FORM and CLIENT REGISTRATION FORM prior to scheduling any temperament test for boarding or daycare services. Please make sure to read each form thoroughly, as well as our above Client Policies.